Final Blog
Australia has a unique range of natural hazards that could pose immediate danger to the country. While tropical cyclones can cause intense rain and wind, which leads to flooding and possible costal erosion. Along with the surrounding tectonic plates to the north along the Indo-Australian Plate. Which has been known to pose the threat of earthquakes and tsunamis. I believe the greatest threat to Australia to be wildfires. Also know as, Bushfires and grassfires they are common throughout Australia. Grassfires are fast moving, passing in five to ten seconds and smoldering for minutes. They have a low to medium intensity and primarily damage crops, livestock and farming infrastructure, such as fences. Bushfires are generally slower moving but have a higher heat output. This means they pass in two to five minutes, but they can smolder for days. Historically, bushfires have caused loss of life and significant damage to property. While naturally occurring bushfires cannot be averte...