Chapter 2 Internal Structure of Earth and Plate Tectonics

Definitions from Natural Hazards 4th edition.

Plate Tectonics: process associated with the creation, movement, and destruction of these plates.  
  • Australia is surrounded on all sides by both convergent and divergent boundaries and plates. 
Convergent: occur where plates move toward each other.
  • Ocean-Continent where the oceanic plate sinks beneath continental plate
    • Volcanic continental arc is formed (Earthquakes and Volcanic Activity)
    • Great Earthquakes, explosive volcanoes, tsunamis, flooding, mass wasting
Divergent: occurs where neighboring parts of plates are moving away from each other.
  • Ocean-Ocean spreading of two plates and molten rock (lava) rises up to fill the gaps. 
  • Image result for divergent boundaries australia
    Divergent zone along the Antarctic Plate
    to the SW and E. Slight Convergent zone
    along the SE toward New Zealand. 
    • Mid-Ocean ridge forms, new volcanic lithosphere is created. 
    • Light to moderate earthquakes, nonexplosive volcanic eruptions
Image result for convergent boundaries australia
Convergent zone and the site of the famous
explosion of Krakatoa, Just to the NW of

Image result for seismic activity australia
Seismic Activity map of Australia

Image result for tectonic plates australia
Australia sits almost directly in the middle of the Indo-Australian Plate


  1. Nice plate maps, in particular the ones with Australia in focus. It seems that your country is within a'll be researching about quakes next week [although you have a map in this post about seismicity, nice]. I'll be interested to read your specific research about quakes in week 3.

  2. Another quick comment. Can you make the font bigger next time... a bit easier to read...

    1. Yes I will increase the font size next time, after publishing I had some technical difficulties trying to make it larger. The page refused to update

    2. I was able to make the majority of the font a larger size.

  3. thank you, I saw that. Yes, sometimes Blogger can be a bit temperamental...totally ok.

  4. Noah

    I enjoyed all the pictures you added. It made it very clear what is going on with Australia and understood the plate boundaries.


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