Differences between natural hazards, disasters, and catastrophes.

Definitions from "Natural Hazards 4th edition" Keller and DeVecchio

Natural Hazard: A potential danger that poses a threat to people or property the exists or is caused by nature; generally one that is not made or caused by humans.

Disasters: One possible effect of a hazard on society. Usually a sudden event that causes great damage or loss of life during a limited time in a limited geographic area.

Catastrophes: An event or situation causing sufficient damage to people, property, or society that recovery or rehab is long and complex; natural processes most likely produce a catastrophe include floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanoes, tsunamis, and large fires.
Image result for Black Saturday bushfires

Image result for Black Saturday bushfires
Black Saturday Brushfires

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Newcastle Earthquake 1989
Image result for 1989 Newcastle earthquake


  1. Great first blog. Looking forward to reading about Australia's natural hazards this semester [they are having crazy big rains right now and a LOT of flooding...]


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