Chapter 3 Earthquakes
An Earthquake is defined as a sudden movement of a block of Earth's crust along a geologic fault; the movement releases accumulated strain in the rocks. A Fault is where earthquakes occur along a plane of weakness in Earth's crust. This seismicity map of Australia shows quakes from 1836-2010 Earthquakes in Australia are caused by horizontal compression producing reverse faults. A reverse fault is a generally steep fracture or fracture system in which the hanging wall has moved up relative to the foot wall in a direction opposite to the direction of the fault dip. Australia has large earthquakes, but the occur infrequently Which means Australia has a low seismicity but does not mean weak ground motion. It means that strong earthquake motion happens less often. The largest earthquake ever recorded in Australia occurred in Tennant Creek, Northern Territory in January 1988 a 6.6 on the richter scale. Three qu...